West Pharmaceutical Services are a leading global manufacturer in the design and production of technologically advanced, high-quality, delivery systems for injectable medicines based in Mid Cornwall. A company already working with Kinetic Energy regarding staff health and wellbeing wished to further support their staff within the workplace.
The requirement from West was to provide staff with a safe and easy stretching and mobility routine video that could be implemented on a regular basis within their working week. A routine that could be used at any level of fitness, regardless of experience and working roles within their organisation. This request was also done to reduce the risk of repetitive strain style injuries where repeated movement of the body where the mainstay of many employees on the factory floor.
The objective for Kinetic Energy was to provide a routine that would assist staff in staying fit and healthy within the workplace, plus raising the awareness that increased levels of activity can form the foundation and focus in moving towards positive change in overall health and wellbeing.
As a Wellbeing business Kinetic Energy promotes the benefits of being physical activity, highlighting more than ever the evidence to businesses who are moving forward in their understanding of health and wellbeing. The lack of physical activity can have a damaging impact on our physical health. It is estimated that only 67% of men and 55% of women meet the health guidelines of 150 minutes of physical activity each week with increasing levels of sedentary lifestyles putting our health and lives at greater risk.
The production of the Workplace Ergonomic training video focused on three phases of physical activity, namely a warmup, stretching and mobility routines. These simple routines could be incorporated into both the working or homelife of staff either in combination or in isolation to help improve physical health. The video and 1-2-1 inductions from Kinetic Energy was implement by West management to ensure that all employees were guided through the process and educated further on the close links to other areas of health such as mental and nutritional wellbeing.
The use of the video demonstrated that being active is a vital part of a health and can help reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries by reducing fatigue, improving muscular balance and posture as well as promoting overall health and wellbeing.