Kinetic Stories
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Since teaming up with Daz (Kinetic Energy) at Polymermedics, when he visits each month, I have noticed a marked improvement in my fitness performance and diet status. Since the Covid lockdown began, I have not been back to a gym. This depleted my general enthusiasm, and by default, made exercising at home an unappealing prospect. Even though I had bought equipment in lieu of a gymmembership monthly subscription, it was not working for me.

There was no one to spar with, or to push you to do a few more “reps”. Factors you encounter from the social aspect of gym training, just to make that extra effort noticeable, in terms of performance or physical progression. So, it has been quite a struggle to keep focussed in a “home Gym”environment.

Throughout the frequent meetings with Kinetic Energy (Daz), I have reconnected with that “sparring” mentality. Even though, I exclusively train alone now, the meetings with Daz each month maintain a tight focus on diet, training objectives, and general wellbeing. When we meet, food, training and mind set are equally discussed, maintaining a continuity to the purpose of a beneficial lifestyle on a conveniently regular basis, preserving my fitness interests at home.

As I prefer the use of statistics to gauge performance, I document all analysis information from Daz’s analysis equipment, which enables me to determine improvement or decline, month by month. Along with other data that I collect during my exercise program at home.

This documented “study and referral” allows me to fine-tune my exercise activities, diet and mind set, to achieve the improvements I am looking for. I am quite sure that, if it were not for Daz’s regular intervening involvement, I would have lost most, if not all momentum, in terms of maintaining an effective and sustainable fitness training schedule at home.

Thanks for encouragement, Daz.

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