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90 Days To Awesome Programme

90 days to Awesome

Why you deserve to be awesome

Life is weird, wonderful, stressful, and so many more adjectives can be used.

These times are weird too right.

One moment, you could feel on top of the world, living your best lives. The next, it could feel like things are falling apart. Some of us are just picking up the pieces of our lives after the recent pandemic which has left its mark for all of us in someway.

The good thing is we have life. As long as we’re alive and breathing, you have the opportunity to change. Best of all, significant change can actually happen in as little as 90 days.

It’s all about going back to the fundamentals. Once we get this right, not only will you be able to make significant strides again, but you’ll be more equipped to deal with the future challenges that come your way.

Turning things around won’t be easy. However, you can’t make serious steps without unwavering focus. Focus is the determining factor is today’s world. The people who do the same things day in, day out are the ones that usually win in the end in almost every aspect of life. If you want to get yourself out of the hole, you’ll need to be locked into the process of change. A great way to do that is to review your goals every morning and make sure to tackle them first when you have the most physical and mental energy.

What you put in is what you get out. This is especially true for your body and your mind. If you feed your body healthy food, you’ll perform better. Replacing just one meal with a health alternative can do wonders for your health.

And if you fill your minds with healthy information and positive vibes, you’ll make better decisions. Improve sleep, greater mindfulness, reflection on a daily basis will help you to stay the course and feel the momentum you are creating.

Eating well isn’t enough. You have to get moving more through exercise. Find something fun to do and get your heart rate up, even if it’s for 30 minutes. Exercise helps you release stress and tension that’s built up during the day. You can tap into those endorphins and get ready to face the uphill climb of getting your shit together.

The core of the Kinetic Energy 90 days to awesome is to create a self-change challenge that lies in cultivating positive habits. This challenge is built on a premise that it takes approximately 90 days to form or break a habit. This timeframe allows consistency and repetition, key elements in requiring your brain patterns and behaviour.

What will you do in those 90 days:

Define your goals!

Create an action plan!

Build positive habits!

Overcome obstacles measure progress! 

Define your potential and step outside of your comfort zone.

Email me now at and join the 90 Days to Awesome programme.

Check out my great blog to remind yourself of where to stay on your nutritional journey.

What is nutrition?


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