How often do you challenge yourself, push the boundaries and are getting out of your comfort zone.
How do you create that personal or physical challenge and why should you do this. The true answer is that the returns are very rewarding and can enhance the quality of your life way beyond what we thought could be possible.
This is where it starts with you and where you can discover more about yourself. By asking simple questions such as what I am good at, what are my skills and what is my level of knowledge. These questions will allow you to grow as a person as you engage, develop, think, and reflect as you become humble and honest with yourself.
Making it your personal mission to seek awareness and broaden your perspectives. Awareness allows you to realise how much is out there, how much we don’t know as you seek what is around you. Become curious and see more. Like Steve Jobs once said, ‘stay hungry, stay foolish.’ Only then will you learn and grow.
Health is wealth right. We all understand we can physically challenge ourselves through exercise and eating better as a health body yields a healthy spirit. This is also very true of your mind too. We must challenge ourselves mentally, read more, learn new things, test our skills as we build the brain which needs exercising too. A healthy and active mind will keep you physically in a good place as you continue to soak up all that information around you.
Take time to sit and think, pause in that quiet moment, and think of a list of things you have always wanted to do, no matter how big or small. Write them down and put a plan in place to have short- and long-term goals that will motivate and reward you as it creates focus on moving forward. Once that focus is in place we have the energy to be even more creative and live a life of fulfilment and purpose.
Family, friends and good health are important things in life and work in tandem. Real good friends are need in our lives they provide mental support, allow us to grow and be happy. So, be the best friend, listen, reach out and be there and as this requires effort but also allows you to live a happier better life too as we give to others for ourselves.
We all need to seek inspiration in whatever way works for us. We need to be creative, seek inspiration from the world around us as we go and seek new experiences as you challenge yourself to find new ways to become inspired. Inspiration provides ways to boost creativity, inspiration acts as a motivation and fills the body and mind with new ideas. Inspiration is applying the information the mind receives, taking the time to review, appreciate and recognise what is around you as your surrounding will be the key to your success.
Many of us go through a lifestyle of routine, which can often be mundane, uninspiring, and boring. The truth is that this is easy to do, the same old thing day in day out as we become comfortable and safe with what we do. Why not challenge yourself to try new things, gain experiences, meet new people, learn more have fun and grow as a person. From this there comes reward and new opportunities as we grow and have a better life. Even changing daily routines and finding that new coffee shop can be the smallest of steps that are needed to push us forward
Peace and happiness are usually the success and end results of achieved challenges you set. Creating the inner feeling of calmness that you can connect to can be powerfully uplifting. The challenge is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and can take you to the next level and build confidence in many areas of your life. Make the effort to take the time, smell the coffee, taste the wine, and enjoy the company you keep. Having the time for yourself you deserve, unwind, relax, and appreciate the things that you love as this is so important for emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing.