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Resource – Calorie Planner

Daily Calorie intake calculation

This great planner will help you to understand and work out your daily calorie requirement and how using ta simple calculation can we match this to you daily activity.

To calculated your approximate daily intake take the following steps:

  1. Using your weigh in Kilograms multiply by 22 (for males) or 21 (for females)
  2. This gives you a figure that is called you BMR (Basal metabolic rate). This basically means the amount of calories you body needs for day to day function for your body to stay alive.
  3. This BMR figure is then multiplied by your Physical Activity levels (PAL) ranging from 1.2 to 1.9
  4. This new figure is called your TDEE, total daily energy expenditure also known as your calorie requirement for the day

For example for a male:

  1. Male at 70kg body weight is 70kg x 22 = BMR of 1540
  2. BMR 1540  x PAL of 1.5 (moderate exercise) = 2310 Calories per day

For example for a female:

  1. Female at 60kg body weight is 60kg x 21 = BMR of 1260
  2. BMR 1260  x PAL of 1.35 (light exercise) = 1701 Calories per day

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