Emotional well-being is the ability to produce positive emotions, moods, thoughts, and feelings, and adapt when confronted with adversity and stressful situations.
One of its foundations is resilience, which allows you to navigate challenging life events. Think of resilience like a muscle. It flexes and develops the more you use it. Resilience impacts how you face challenges and how you think about the challenges you face.
Emotional well-being allows you to focus on the positive and manage the negative emotions and feelings you may have in a given situation. This can help you forge stronger relationships with those around you.
A positive sense of well-being…enables an individual to be able to function in society and meet the demands of everyday life. Well-being generally includes judgments of life satisfaction and feelings ranging from depression to joy.
Why emotional wellbeing is important-
Your resilience grows when you recognize the emotions that trigger you and express them in a constructive manner to yourself and others.
As you place more emphasis on your emotional well-being, you’re able to:
That’s because your level of understanding, empathy, humour, and compassion increases. You view yourself and others with less judgment.
Everything in your life — emotional, social, spiritual, physical, and intellectual — connects in a state of well-being. For example, walking just 10-15 minutes a day gives your brain a boost. That means more energy, awareness, and a healthier outlook on life. Exercise of any sort balances your dopamine and serotonin levels, it also improves your sleep and reduces stress and anxiety. All of this can make you better equipped to manage your feelings and emotions.
Each area of your well-being has the potential to impact other areas. Many research studies focus on how poor mental well-being negatively impacts physical health — leading to an increased risk in cancer, heart disease, and respiratory disease. There is an emerging set of data that is focusing on the effects of positive well-being.
Your range of emotions—and how you manage them—influences your emotional health. Here are eight ways you can control your emotions and feelings, and stay resilient: