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What is Self-improvement?

From the Oxford dictionary the meaning is the improvement of one’s knowledge, status, or character by one’s own efforts

Self-improvement is a continuous process whereby we use self-awareness to understand that there are always areas where we can improve. Taking that improved focus means that each day must be about the daily habits you do to seek improvement, as the human potential knows no boundaries and is limitless. Whether that is faster, stronger, fitter or just being more positive and awesome, we strive for better.

What does self-improvement mean?

Self-improvement is nothing new and has been around for thousands of years as people have been working to change and make better versions of themselves. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle is said to be the father of personal development, where he was already practising was for people to improve themselves. Two thousand years ago he was practicing the virtues of happiness, human flourishing and living well as the focus was on moral values like honesty, loyalty, and respect.

The question is why do we want to improve ourselves and what is the goal we wish to achieve in all of this.

Why do we want to Improve Ourselves.

Striving for self-improvement and other dreams is a deeply human desire that helps focus your efforts on personal development, because if we didn’t then nothing much would happen each day. Personal development shapes us, helps us strive for and serves as motivation to keep going, while also giving us a framework to evaluate our actions and thoughts. There is part of us that strives for perfection, spurs us on as the process can lead to both positive emotions like pride and negative emotions like guilt. These internalised values are also where our desire for self-improvement often comes from.

Another reason for self-improvement is a more direct comparison with others. We are all social creatures, and we like to find our place in the world around us. We want to know where we stand in comparison to others, if we are better than average which ultimately boosts your self-confidence. Having said that it is important to keep your goals realistic, as none of us can be the best in all areas of life.

Self-improvement – the tips to success.

Moderation is key – this doesn’t mean you should stop trying to improve yourself and set goals. The idea of making more of your life and becoming a better version of yourself is a good thing. As with everything else moderation is key as you try to improve yourself through a balanced approach of achievement and rest, self-acceptance, and self-improvement as you achieve your goals.

Know your why – Think about the reason for your goal. Why do you want to improve, what will you get out of it personally as you feel what is really important to you. Whether you want to be more successful at work, boost your physical health, improve sleep quality the setting of goals is a great move forward. New challenges will take you out of your comfort zone and give you a sense of reward once you have mastered them.

Don’t do everything at once – start with a steady approach before you become overwhelmed by your intentions. Decide on one goal at a time in each area of your life and set out your stall. The approach of short, medium and long-term goals will allow continued reward, reduced stress and provide continued focus as each step is a move forward. So, stop and take a deep breath as you manage what you want to achieve. There is no rush.

Have realistic expectations – we live in a world where so much of what we want and like is at our fingertips, one click and its done – instant gratification. Remember that the fundamental changes we so desire don’t happen overnight. So, develop those new habits and make progress, be patient as you slow things down for the greatest achievement. Even goals related to fitness will take time regardless of what they are such as weight loss, muscle gain, strength, or power. They go hand in hand with your lifestyle change and so both your body and mind will need time to adapt as you build new habits, so enjoy the process and the journey.

Self-acceptance – this is such a powerful connection to make. Yes, this is all about creating a better version of yourself for sure but acceptance of your strengths and weaknesses are key to success. Acceptance does not mean that you still can achieve and get things done but be at peace with yourself during the process. This acceptance will allow you to build a healthy relationship and mindset as you recognise your own values regardless of the pressures around you.

Take a break – getting the balance right between effort and rest is essential for your physical and mental wellbeing. The continued self-improvement approach can be exhausting, and tough but peak performance can only last so long. The body builds and recovers and so you need to take time out. Allow that physical, mental and emotional recovery to take place the rest will keep you energised and motivated to pursue your goals.

Don’t Compare yourself to others – be inspired by them. In a world of social media and super-fast information at the click of a button coupled with a desire for instant gratification we can lose sight of who we are or what we want. Ask yourself what would the best version of me look like? From there on in measure the changes against you, what you were before and what you are like now. It is this reflection that builds self-awareness and appreciating the small gains physically and mentally that you are gaining every day.

Nobody’s perfect – this phrase is so very true. You cannot be perfect all the time and in truth you physically can’t. It is the persistent approach that you take that will reward, allow growth and take you higher on your journey. Striving for self-improvement brings pressure but don’t let that pressure break you, be wise in your approach and be kind to yourself too.


Self-improvement is about continuous development that aims to bring personal qualities and abilities to the next level.

Self-improvement spurs on personal growth and can help you improve your performance, meet new challenges, and be more satisfied with your life overall.

Find your own balance by setting goals that make sense to you personally and are realistic. Take your time and enjoy the process!

Avoid taking on too much at once and putting yourself under pressure

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