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Video resource – Balanced Diet

Having a balanced diet –  the way that you can help improve your health by the foods that you eat.

When it comes to food choices, being balanced in your approach and making smarter, wiser choices will be the key to your success. So often when foods are labelled good and bad there becomes a fixation on what we can and cannot eat.

By making smarter choices and enjoying foods not so healthy in moderation allows you to create a mindful approach. You are not striving for perfection here we are just working hard within your own environment to focus on better choices and making these healthy choices more of the go to foods we like.

Plan you eating habits, be mindful of what is on your plate in regards to the macronutrients you consume, namely protein, fats and carbohydrates.

Consider colour too, look at your plate from a balance of colour allows you to have a greater range of diverse foods that will support gut health, your immune system and provide the body with the vitamins and minerals it needs.

Watch this short video below to learn more about how to create a balanced diet.


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